Friday, October 1, 2010

My Journey with God

For those of you that know me, you are probably wondering what is going on with me or what has happened to me. I am so happy to say that I am doing fine. Alot of changes has occur in my life in these past few months. Changes that I am still trying to grasp and understand. Let me go back a little about my life and this way you'll be able to understand where I come from and where I am heading. I became a Christain back in February 2009. When I took this step I really did not understand what was to take place in my life or what I was suppose to do from the moment I accepted jesus. All I know was that I was at church with my niece and her family and when my Pastor asked if there is anyone that wants to get saved and live a graceful and peaceful life to come right up. At that moment I had so much going on with me that when I heard the word "peace" I knew deep down I wanted that in my life. It was really an emotional moment for me. I was crying and I didn't know why. I started attending church but I didn't take it serious and just went to say that I went to church. As time went on, I stopped attending church for silly reasons. I just didn't know how to set my priorities in life. Now we are in 2010 and not much has changed for me. I am still living a hectic life. I am still longing to find peace in my life and lastly I was feeling empty but I didn't know why. This emptiness was causing alot of unhappiness in my life. I knew I had to do something before my whole life crumbles but I didn't know what to do. My niece Jasline invited me to a ladies bible study which I hesitantly accepted. During the study my mind was not there, I just felt so cold and couldn't understand why everyone around me was so happy and loving the fact that they were at a bible study. My niece was so concerned for me that she continued to invite me to other studies at her home and thats where it all began for me. We started doing weekly bible studies and I was really enjoying this time with GOD. I began to realize that the times I spend reading and learning about GOD I felt inner peace. At times when I am feeling stress and overwhelmed I wanted to read his word because I knew this was the only time I felt peace. This past May I started attending church again. I am currently attending another womens bible study. I thank GOD that he didn't give up on me. My niece is like my daughter and she is probably the only person that can get me to church. I thank her for not giving up on me either, for being there when I so needed GOD. For answering my many questions about GOD. I thank her for having the patience and love she has for me. I am seeing changes in me that I am still trying to understand but know that it is all going to make sense I just have to keep steady in my word with God and he is going to take care of me. My life is changing daily. I am craving his word more and more each day. I know he is going to guide me continuously. I am now understanding that he has plans for me, plans that will change my life completely. My choice to start this blog was to use it as my journal. I want to share my journey in knowing GOD better. I want to share what I am learning, my thoughts, insights and my answered prayers. Stay tuned as my Journey with GOD has only just begun!




  1. Oh Wendy! What a wonderful testimony!! I would love to follow you on your journey. It's such a struggle at times to be a Christian. We aren't perfect, but we are saved! I've been a Christian for 20 years now, and I still get so moved in church that I cry. God has been wonderful and faithful to me and has given me so much more than I deserve. One day I will share my testimony with you. Keep it up and I'll be praying for you!

  2. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
    John 14:27

    I Love you MOM
