Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Woman After God's Own Heart - Chapters 5 - 8

These past few weeks we've read and discussed how to serve, follow, respect and love our husbands.  I have to say these four chapters were extremely challenging as we all tried to apply some of the tips given by Elizabeth George.  I find it amazing the transformation that is taking place in these ladies.  Having a heart to submit, serve and making our husband’s number one was not easy for some of the ladies.   This topic touched me in so many ways since it was an area that I struggled with in the past.  Loving my husband was the easy part being submissive was not.  As women we love and adore our husbands and want nothing more but to serve, follow, and respect them but only when we want to.  Doing this study on husbands gave us all the understanding that these commands to serve, follow, respect, and love our husbands are not commands from our husbands but God's commands.  If we are to be women after God's own heart we need to be willing to do and follow God's will for our husbands and not ours. 

I was able to relate with the struggles the ladies were experiencing.  In today’s society woman are more independent and feel just as equal as men.  They feel being submissive with our husbands is demeaning, degrading and uncomfortable.  They saw submission as something women did back in the old days when women really did not have a voice or much rights. I have to say that this is exactly what I use to think.  I grew up in a home where my mom taught me to be independent.  She taught my sisters and I that getting an education was very important so we can earn a good living and never have to depend on a man. I took to heart all these motherly advices and because of them submission was extremely difficult for me. 

Having that mentality I can tell you only caused headaches in my marriage.  As women we need to understand that the husband's role as head of the household does not mean domination over his wife, but instead it is the husband's God given responsibility to provide  a caring leadership to ensure the physical, emotional and spiritual needs for his wife and children.  As a wife our role to serve our husbands does not mean serving him as an "inferior" but instead serving him with a willing heart to accept his loving role as head of household in our homes. 

When I read the scripture that Paul wrote in Colossians 3: Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord....And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that form the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ".  I know in my heart that I am doing God's will and not mine.

As women we are always desiring to have a stronger and happy marriage.  If that is the case for you, ask God to give you faith to believe and trust in Him.  Not only will following God's word bless your marriage, but it will also prepare you to be more Christ like.  Jesus Christ lived in constant submission to His Father's will.

When I gave my life to our Lord and Savior I knew changes were going to have to take place.  Some of these changes are changes that I knew I was going to have to make myself and one of them was my relationship with my husband.  In my heart I know my mom had all the best intentions for me and my sisters.  She taught us to be strong and independent.  She loved, cared and protected us the best she can but what she didn't teach us was God's commands as wives.  She didn't teach us His commands because she didn't want to but because she didn't know God's word back than.  As women of God, we know His word.  It should be our hearts desire to honor and follow God's word.

Ladies lets love our husbands and make him #1 in our life.  Pray for him daily.  You will experience the power of prayer and realize that praying for your husband will strengthen your marriage and will change your heart to serve, follow, respect and love your husband more each day.  

To sum it up if we truly love our husbands with all our hearts doing the above should not be a challenge when we do it whole heartily.  Keep in mind always that our husbands may not be perfect but than again neither are we.  Keep in mind that when we serve, follow, respect and love our husbands like we are commanded to do we are honoring and glorifying our Lord and Savior.  In wanting to be a woman after God's own heart  we have to have a heart that desires doing God's will.

I pray that as you begin displaying your love for your husband that your love for him grows deeper each day.  


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