It doesn't need to be Valentine's Day for us to think about love. We need to be loving and caring towards one another. This is part of our human nature. We love our parents, we love our children unconditionally, why can't we just love our neighbors unconditionally. There are other people who care about us, even when we are ignorant of their affection. Jesus loves us unconditionally. He loved us enough to die for us. He did this so that we could be with Him forever. That's love.
We need to always remember that Jesus loves us. If you are ever in doubt of God's love, simply remember that Jesus went to the cross for your sins. He did so because He cares about you as an individual human being. He loves you and the Father in heaven loves you. Don't allow the cares and confusions of this present life to make you doubt God's love. Never forget what Jesus did for you because of His love.
Jesus loves you. Jesus wants you to be with Him in His Father's house for all eternity. All you have to do is accept His love and respond with faith and confidence in Him.

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