For the past two years I've been attending every womens bible study that Calvary Chapel has been hosting. Each and every time that I attend, I have such an admiration for the women who are guest speakers especially my pastors wife (Diane). I see them as such warm and caring individuals that I am always saying every time they speak I feel such peace inside of me. They come across as someone you would love to have in your life as a friend. When they share Gods word they do it in such a way that you know deep inside that they truly love our GOD. You see their true beauty each and everytime they speak from the heart. To be beautiful in the inside we need to look past someone's faults, we need to be able to forgive. True beauty is "inner beauty" the person who touches our souls with laughter, intelligence, manerisms, respect, love and genuine kindness.
Many times we get caught up with our hectic lives that we get cold in the inside and that shows in the outside. So no matter how beautiful you are on the outside, if you are cold and heartless in the inside your outer beauty does not show and the ugly you is what people are seeing. I pray that we can all have true inner beauty even when we are having a hectic day. Your inner beauty can flourish and grow, no one can quell it and no one can take it away. I don't know about you but I am going to look for the inner beauty in all that I meet.